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All Wildflower Species

Wildflower seeds are very easy to grow, create a stunning display and providing nature with a real boost. Choose to sow individual species separately, mix together to make your very own bespoke mixture or add to our famous wildflower seed mixes.

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Meadowsweet Seeds (Filipendula ulmaria)
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Meadowsweet Seeds (Filipendula ulmaria)

A common tall perennial found in damp meadows, ditches and river-banks. Its fluffy cream flowers have a strong, heady, sweet aroma. In medieval times the plant was crushed and used as a pain relief as the chemicals it contains are similar to aspirin.

  • Height: 60 - 120cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Moist
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 1...
Musk Mallow Seeds (Malva moschata)
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Musk Mallow Seeds (Malva moschata)

A stunning pink native perennial found at the sides of roads and in sandy grasslands, a very social flower that grows well alongside other summer flowering wildflowers. It is attractive to both butterflies and bees and produces a faint musky smell during the evening.

  • Height: 30 - 90cm
  • Flowers: July - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gra...
Ox Eye Daisy Seeds (Leucanthemum vulgare)
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Ox Eye Daisy Seeds (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Often seen carpeting road verges and railway embankments with white and gold blooms. This common native perennial is also known as Moon Daisy or Dog Daisy and attracts butterflies, bees and other insects.

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 3,000 
Red Campion Seeds (Silene dioica)
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Red Campion Seeds (Silene dioica)

A classic hedgerow and woodland edge perennial found across the whole of Britain. The flowers are usually a deep pink colour but can also be white or pale pink. The Latin name ‘Silene’ is after the merry, drunken god of woodlands.

  • Height: 30 - 90cm
  • Flowers: May - June
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 800
Red Deadnettle Seeds
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Red Deadnettle Seeds (Lamium purpureum)

A long-lasting, hardy perennial that provides pink-purple petals standing proud on red-tinted foliage. A firm favourite with bees and butterflies, Red Deadnettle will flower early to provide a great source of pollen and nectar.

  • Height: 10 - 30cm 
  • Flowers: March - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 1,000
Sainfoin Seeds (Onobrychis vicifolia)
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Sainfoin Seeds (Onobrychis vicifolia)

A bushy meadow plant with cone-shaped spikes. Aromatic perennial with masses dark red flowers turning to pink. This flower thrives in the bright sunshine and is a low-growing specie

  • Height: 40 - 50cm
  • Flowers: July - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained, chalky
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 70
Salad Burnet Seeds (Sanguisorba minor)
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Salad Burnet Seeds (Sanguisorba minor)

As its name suggests the leaves can be eaten in salads. It is a perennial with a strange almost round flower head, which is pollinated by the wind. It can be found in a variety of dry calcareous grasslands.

  • Height: 20 - 50cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained 
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 300 
Self Heal Seeds (Prunella vulgaris)
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Self Heal Seeds (Prunella vulgaris)

A very common short-lived perennial found in a variety of habits including grassland, woodland and garden lawns. Its creeping stems can spread over a wide area producing brilliant purple blooms.

  • Height: 20 - 30cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained, moist 
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade
  • Seeds per gram: 1,400
Sheep's Sorrel Seeds (Rumex acetosella)
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Sheep's Sorrel Seeds (Rumex acetosella)

Reddish pink flower spikes, though smaller than Common Sorrel, and with daintier leaves. Upright, slender stems with scarlet-pink petals with leaves can be used as flavourings in food. 

  • Height: 7 - 25cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained, acidic
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 2,500
Sneezewort Seeds (Achillea ptarmica)
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Sneezewort Seeds (Achillea ptarmica)

An attractive perennial with short to medium height wildflowers with ruffed white flowers of the yarrow family.

Height: 25 - 50cm

Prefers: Damp or waterlogged soils

Flowers: July - September

Seeds per gram: 4200

Sowing Rate: 3g/sqm

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Toadflax Seeds (Linaria vulgaris)
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Toadflax Seeds (Linaria vulgaris)

Yellow perennial flower found in roadsides, wasteplaces, grassy places, cultivated fields and sometimes woods.



Height: 30-60cm

Requires: Sun/light shade.

Flowers: Jun - Oct

Seeds per gram: 7000 

Sowing Rate: 3g/sqm

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Tufted Vetch Seeds (Vicia cracca)
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Tufted Vetch Seeds (Vicia cracca)

Sprawling perennial plant with masses of small pea-like purple flowers, the sweet pea of the meadow. A showy bright blue-violet flower, that performs best when sown with other tall flora.

  • Height: 60 - 120cm
  • Flowers: June - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 100
Vipers Bugloss Seeds (Echium vulgare)
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Vipers Bugloss Seeds (Echium vulgare)

A beautiful native biennial commonly found in rough grassy areas close to the coast and sand dunes. The striking bright blue flowers are a favourite with bumblebees and day-flying moths.

  • Height: 25 - 75cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained 
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 230

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White Campion Seeds (Silene alba)
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White Campion Seeds (Silene alba)

A hairy branched perennial found on disturbed ground throughout the UK. The white flowers are visited by moths and produce a faint smell at night.

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: May - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Partial shade
  • Seeds per gram: 800
Wild Carrot Seeds (Daucus carota)
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Wild Carrot Seeds (Daucus carota)

A common annual or biennial plant of downs and roadsides, its leaves are a common sight in neglected vegetable gardens. The cultivated form provides the edible kitchen carrot.  When the wild carrot begins to fruit, it is at its most distinctive. The fruits have long spines which attach themselves to any passing animal. In the 16th century, it was known as a remedy for epilepsy and much later on i...

Wild Garlic Seeds (Allium ursinum)
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Wild Garlic Seeds (Allium ursinum)

Wild Garlic grows well in damp shady conditions and is often found covering the floor in UK woodlands, where the garlic fragrance fills the air.

  • Height: 30 - 80cm
  • Flowers: April - June
  • Soil Requirement: Damp
  • Light Requirement: Full and partial shade
  • Seeds per gram: 180

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Wood Avens Seeds (Geum urbanum)
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Wood Avens Seeds (Geum urbanum)

Yellow flowers of cornfields and open places. Perennial, small yellow flowers followed by burr-like seed heads. Formally appreciated for medicinal use by herbalists this wildflower thrives in a partial shade. 

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Partial shade
  • Seed per gram: 1,400
Yarrow Seeds (Achillea millefolium)
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Yarrow Seeds (Achillea millefolium)

A very common perennial found in grassland, roadsides and waste ground. The leaves are feathery and put out a strong aroma when crushed. The small dome-liked clusters of small white flower heads are attractive to Hover Flies, ladybirds and many other insects. 

  • Height: 10 - 45cm
  • Flowers: June - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 6,000...

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Yellow Flag Iris Seeds (Iris pseudacorus)
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Yellow Flag Iris Seeds (Iris pseudacorus)

A native perennial with sword-shaped leaves, commonly found in marshes, damp woodland ditches and ponds. The bright yellow flowers are particularly attractive to bees.

  • Height: 100 - 150cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Moist
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 20 

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About Landlife Wildflowers
About Us

Landlife Wildflowers grow and supply high-quality, native wildflower products, restoring wildflowers right across the UK. Working in conjunction with wildlife charity, Buglife, we’re bringing back Britain’s treasured wildflowers! Find out more about why we’ve been trusted by the general public, Natural England and The National Trust for over twenty years.

Quality wildflower seed

We’re proud to supply only the highest-quality, native wildflower products - tried, tested and refined by us for two decades to ensure each and every customer is delighted with their purchase. Find out more about our commitment to the supply of native, provenance-assured wildflower products to restore Britain’s natural wildflower habitats for bees, butterflies, birds and wildlife.

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If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, our team of wildflower experts are on hand to guide you every step of the way. We love talking about wildflowers and the quality of our products, and are pleased to help with any enquiry, including how to establish wildflowers, product recommendations and even creating custom mixtures for specific projects.