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All Wildflower Species

Wildflower seeds are very easy to grow, create a stunning display and providing nature with a real boost. Choose to sow individual species separately, mix together to make your very own bespoke mixture or add to our famous wildflower seed mixes.

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Yellow Rattle Seeds (Rhinanthus minor)
Next Day Delivery
Yellow Rattle Seeds (Rhinanthus minor)

Fresh seed from 2024 harvest available now for next day delivery. Produced from native UK seed and cleaned to an exceptionally high-standard of purity and germination. Order yours today ready to sow this autumn.

Yellow rattle seed is a vital addition to any wildflower meadow. By attaching itself to the roots of grass species and slowing its growth, it creates space for a wide range of wildflowe...

Betony Seeds (Stachys officinalis)
Next Day Delivery
Betony Seeds (Stachys officinalis)

Attractive leaves and many stems smothered in brilliant reddish-purple flowers, adored by bees and butterflies. Commonly found in grassy meadows and river banks, this perennial wildflower will grow in any light.

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: June - August 
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 600
Birdsfoot Trefoil Seeds (Lotus corniculatus)
Next Day Delivery
Birdsfoot Trefoil Seeds (Lotus corniculatus)

A common creeping native wildflower perennial of dry grassland and roadside, with bright yellow flowers, often streaked with red. The cluster of long seed pods looks like a bird's foot. An excellent provider of nectar and a caterpillar food plant for the Common Blue, Dingy Skipper and Clouded yellow butterflies.

  • Height: 15 - 25cm
  • Flowers: May - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Li...

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Bladder Campion Seeds (Silene vulgaris)
Next Day Delivery
Bladder Campion Seeds (Silene vulgaris)

A native perennial wildflower found in grassland and roadside verges, especially on well-drained soils. A pleasant clove-like aroma is emitted from the small white flowers held above waxy grey/green foliage from May to August. A nectar flower plant for butterflies suited to rock gardens and grassy banks.

  • Height: 20 - 40cm 
  • Flowers: June - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Re...
Bluebell Seeds (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
September Delivery
Bluebell Seeds (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)

Characteristic blue nodding, UK native perennial wildflower commonly found in woods and shady places. Striking flowers that will produce an attractive habitat for butterflies, bees, birds and other wildlife whilst giving off a sweet scent. Seed can take a number of years to flower. 

  • Height: 30 - 60 cm
  • Prefers: Light shade
  • Flowers: April - May
  • Seeds per gram: 200

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Borage Seeds (Borago officinalis)
Next Day Delivery
Borage Seeds (Borago officinalis)

Borage is a strong, medium-height wildflower with bright blue flowers that attract masses of beneficial pollinators and insects. Commonly found in forest verges and natural meadows, Borage is an easy-to-grow annual

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 100
Common Knapweed Seeds (Centaurea nigra)
Next Day Delivery
Common Knapweed Seeds (Centaurea nigra)

Common knapweed or hardheads is a colourful meadow plant of the thistle family. Tight purple flowers, with lance-shaped leaves. Forms dense clumps over time, ideal for sunny meadows and hedgebanks.

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 500
Common Mallow Seeds (Malva sylvestris)
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Common Mallow Seeds (Malva sylvestris)

Large resilient bushy perennial wildflower plant, favouring sunny open areas. With ivy-shaped leaves, and dark pink flowers. Well placed at the back of borders but adaptable to many diverse habitats. 

  • Height: 30 - 90cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 150 

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Common Poppy Seeds (Papaver rhoeas)
Next Day Delivery
Common Poppy Seeds (Papaver rhoeas)

Evocative red annual, short to medium height, a lover of disturbed ground and agricultural soils if given a chance to flower. Replenishes its bright vermilion petals each day. Proving season after season to be one of our most loved, attractive prominent wildflower. Ideally requires a frost or chilling to help germination.

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: May - July
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drai...
Common Sorrel Seeds (Rumex acetosa)
Next Day Delivery
Common Sorrel Seeds (Rumex acetosa)

This perennial wildflower is extremely generous and is fantastic at self-seeding. With its reddish-pink flower spikes and arrow-shaped leaves that then turn crimson, Common Sorrel is a basic component of meadows.

  • Height: 15 - 60cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 2,000
Corn Chamomile Seeds (Anthemis arvensis)
Next Day Delivery
Corn Chamomile Seeds (Anthemis arvensis)

The delightful white daisy flowers of this annual wildflower were once a common sight in cornfields. It is now much rarer due to the widespread use of selective herbicides. It has a compact upright habit, ideal for use on borders that will leave a strong, sweet scent similar to apples. 

  • Height: 20 - 30cm
  • Flowers: May - July
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
Corn Marigold Seeds (Chrysanthemum segetum)
Next Day Delivery
Corn Marigold Seeds (Chrysanthemum segetum)

Glorious annual wildflower seeds are very like a single Chrysanthemum. A fitting addition to beds and borders giving an understated delicious fragrance and can be used as cut flowers. Prolific in its production of wildflowers. 

  • Height: 15 - 45cm 
  • Flowers: June - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 400
Corncockle Seeds (Agrostemma githago)
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Corncockle Seeds (Agrostemma githago)

Once common in the cornfields of England, this wildflower has reddish-purple and solitary with undivided petals on a tall, furry stem. This wildflower seeds itself very prolifically and is related to other campions.

  • Height: 60 - 120cm
  • Flowers: June - August
  • Soil Requirement: Sandy, well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 80
Cornflower Seeds (Centaurea cyanus)
Next Day Delivery
Cornflower Seeds

A once common annual weed of cornfields and waste places, now rarely seen. Bright blue wildflowers are produced on tall wiry stems with narrow leaves from June to August. Its fluffy formation is highly attractive to bees, butterflies and other pollinators

  • Height: 30 - 60cm 
  • Flowers: June - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 200
Cow Parsley Seeds (Anthriscus sylvestris)
Next Day Delivery
Cow Parsley Seeds (Anthriscus sylvestris)

A tall, native biennial or perennial wildflower, common in hedgerows and roadsides. Also known as "Queen Annes Lace", the fluffy white flowers are the earliest flowering of the common hedge bank parsleys. 

  • Height: 60 - 120cm
  • Flowers: April - June
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 200
Dandelion Seeds (Taraxacum officinale)
Next Day Delivery
Dandelion Seeds (Taraxacum officinale)

A very common perennial, found in rich meadows. Creating a golden blaze of colour in May meadows and banks. Flowers composed of bright yellow ray-florets.

  • Height: 10 - 45cm
  • Flowers: April - May
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 8,000
Dropwort Seeds (Filipendula vulgaris)
Next Day Delivery
Dropwort Seeds (Filipendula vulgaris)

A perennial with fern-like leaves and foamy cream flowers opening from pink buds. Commonly found in woodland verges and damp meadows, this unique wildflower portrays a strong scent to attract a multitude of beneficial pollinators and insects. 

  • Height: 60 - 90cm
  • Flowers: May - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade
  • Seeds per gram: 850
Evening Primrose Seeds (Oenothera biennis)
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Evening Primrose Seeds (Oenothera biennis)

A tall, bright yellow annual or biennial widely naturalised in coastal areas and beside railway lines. Originally from North America, its oil is used in various herbal remedies. The flowers open in the evening and are visited by a large number of Moth species.

  • Height: 100 - 150cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained, sandy
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial sha...
Forget-me-not Seeds (Myosotis arvensis)
10-14 Day Delivery
Field Forget-me-not Seeds (Myosotis arvensis)

Tiny blue flowers that are perfect for attracting beneficial pollinators and insects. Easy to self-seed, this species will provide colour and essential pollen and nectar for years to come.

  • Height: 30 - 40cm
  • Flowers: April - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 4,000
Field Scabious Seeds (Knautia arvensis)
Next Day Delivery
Field Scabious Seeds (Knautia arvensis)

A tall native perennial with hairy stems found in grasslands across Britain. An individual plant can have as many as 50 purplish-blue flowers on it at a time. It is very attractive to butterflies.

  • Height: 30 - 100cm
  • Flowers: July - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 150 
Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea)
Next Day Delivery
Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea)

A native biennial occasionally perennial, common in woodland leering, hedgerows and heaths. Foxglove has tall spikes of pinkish-purple bell-shaped flowers. The flowers are pollinated by bumblebees.

  • Height: 50 - 150 cm 
  • Prefers: Sun or partial shade
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Seeds per gram: 13,000

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Greater Burnet Seeds (Sanguisorba officinalis)
Next Day Delivery
Greater Burnet Seeds (Sanguisorba officinalis)

A handsome, tall, native perennial wildflower plant which grows in damp meadows and road verges. The blood-red flowers produce abundant nectar to attract insects to aid pollination.

  • Height: 45 - 90cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained but moist
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade
  • Seeds per gram: 400
Greater Mullein Seeds (Verbascum thapsus)
Next Day Delivery
Greater Mullein Seeds (Verbascum thapsus)

A native herbaceous biennial found on waste ground and in grassy places, mainly on sandy or chalky soil. It forms a rosette of whitish felt-like leaves with a tall spike of yellow flowers which are very attractive to bees and a food source for the caterpillar of the mullein moth.

Good for: Bees and food for the caterpillar of the mullein moth

Height: 30-200cm (1-6ft)

Prefers: Sun or part...

Hedge Bedstraw Seeds (Galium mollugo)
Next Day Delivery
Hedge Bedstraw Seeds (Galium mollugo)

A common perennial with tall white spikes of tiny star-like flowers that attract butterflies and moths. It is also a popular larval food source for a number of moth species. This flower is often seen climbing up hedges and shrubs

  • Height: 30 - 60cm
  • Flowers: June - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained, dry
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade 
  • Seeds per gram: 2,000
Hedge Woundwort Seeds (Stachys sylvatica)
Next Day Delivery
Hedge Woundwort Seeds (Stachys sylvatica)

Common throughout the British Isles except for the Scottish Highlands, this hairy spreading perennial has dark red flowers which can be found in hedges, woodlands and shaded gardens. This wildflower is exceptionally helpful in attracting bees to the shaded space. 

  • Height: 30 - 90cm
  • Flowers: July - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Partial and full shade
  • Se...

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Hoary Plantain Seeds (Plantago media)
3-5 Day Delivery
Hoary Plantain Seeds (Plantago media)

Unlike other Plantains, Hoary Plantain produces a pinky-white flower with a delicate scent. It is a perennial found in chalk grassland and lime-rich meadows.

  • Height: 20 - 30cm
  • Flowers: June - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 2,000
Kidney Vetch Seeds (Anthyllis vulneraria)
Next Day Delivery
Kidney Vetch Seeds (Anthyllis vulneraria)

A scrambling biennial found in dry grassland often by the sea. The unusual yellow woolly flowers attract a multitude of butterflies and bees and it is the larval food plant for the Small Blue Butterfly.

  • Height: 7 - 15cm
  • Flowers: May - October
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained, chalky
  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Seeds per gram: 350
Ladys Bedstraw Seeds (Galium verum)
Next Day Delivery
Lady's Bedstraw Seeds (Galium verum)

Beautiful yellow flowers found in clumps on the sides of country roads. Very common perennial found in sandy soils. Dried seed heads with their recognizable scent are useful for flower arranging. Widely used in days gone by to curdle milk for cheese making.

  • Height: 30 - 45cm 
  • Flowers: July - August
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade 
  • Seeds ...
Meadow Buttercup Seeds (Ranunculus acris)
Next Day Delivery
Meadow Buttercup Seeds (Ranunculus acris)

The most majestic of the three common Buttercup species native to Britain. Its pale yellow flowers are a familiar sight in traditional meadows and grasslands on damp soils. There is a species of Solitary Bee, which uses the flowers to sleep in.

  • Height: 30 - 90cm
  • Flowers: May - September
  • Soil Requirement: Damp
  • Light Requirement: Full sun 
  • Seeds per gram: 500
Meadow Cranesbill Seeds (Geranium pratense)
Next Day Delivery
Meadow Cranesbill Seeds (Geranium pratense)

A locally common native perennial found on roadsides and in meadows. The large blue flowers are attractive to Bumblebees, Honey Bees and Solitary Wasps. It is particularly hardy and will compete with grasses.

  • Height: 60 - 100cm
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Soil Requirement: Well-drained
  • Light Requirement: Full sun and partial shade
  • Seeds per gram: 120 

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About Landlife Wildflowers
About Us

Landlife Wildflowers grow and supply high-quality, native wildflower products, restoring wildflowers right across the UK. Working in conjunction with wildlife charity, Buglife, we’re bringing back Britain’s treasured wildflowers! Find out more about why we’ve been trusted by the general public, Natural England and The National Trust for over twenty years.

Quality wildflower seed

We’re proud to supply only the highest-quality, native wildflower products - tried, tested and refined by us for two decades to ensure each and every customer is delighted with their purchase. Find out more about our commitment to the supply of native, provenance-assured wildflower products to restore Britain’s natural wildflower habitats for bees, butterflies, birds and wildlife.

Contact Landlife Wildflowers
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If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, our team of wildflower experts are on hand to guide you every step of the way. We love talking about wildflowers and the quality of our products, and are pleased to help with any enquiry, including how to establish wildflowers, product recommendations and even creating custom mixtures for specific projects.